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Meg Winter's Art Work

Stephanie Soto

Updated: Feb 3

Meg Winter's, a member of our community, has asked to share her artwork with you all. "I've found it very helpful for non motor symptoms like anxiety and depression. We'd love to hear if others are also finding art helpful."

"Stop the Fold is a series of pieces about the research to understand how alpha - synuclein protein functions and why for People with Parkinson's (PwP) it folds over and causes other cells to not produce dopamine as they should.. And it's about the effort to Stop the Folding! 

"Sue and I have always been creative. As People with Parkinson's, the collage work takes on a special meaning for us. It's a way for us to own the day. Little Yellow Sun is an ode to our favorite little yellow pill."

"The  Love Vigilantes  poems celebrate the awesome instructors for Boxing with Parkinson's and Dance Beyond Parkinson's.' 

Love Vigilantes


for Andy, Ray and Jim at Schott's Gym (Boxing for Parkinson's)

Down at the gym of human kindness

we take our pills and throw punches - hard!

Power right cross! Mits Up! Body! Body! Jab!

We keep on our toes!

You call - we follow. 200%

Expert good guys – ready coach!

You help retrain our brain

and lead us to the winner's circle,

no losers here!

We raise our arms - in triumph

collect our victory stories -

to say “Look, we are fighting it;

Today it's our turn!

Today we win!”

Love Vigilantes


for Rachelle (Dance Beyond Parkinson's)

At the non-stop groovy dance class,

you teach our toes to talk to our nose

and bodies to stretch Big!

“AWOooo!” Reach! Up up!

Gimme a Shimmy shimmy!

You lead – we follow!

And remember how to feel – Alive!

Loose – flowing on the opposite of

tight rigid stiff.

Super Dazzler, cosmic choreographer

you re-introduce these brains to

our hips, hands, hearts.

And make our faces dance,

smile - so large.

We kick our legs high! higher!

and collect our trophies

saying “Look, we are fighting it;

Today it's our turn!

Today, we win!”

M R I -Singing in a Silver Sarcophagus


If it walks like a duck

and sounds like 100 doors closing

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Errrrrrrrrrrrrr tick tick tick Errrreeppp beepeep

If it leaves squishy green poo behind

and flies like a jagged tear in the sky

Arruuuum! Beep Beep Beep Beep E Beep E Beep

If it tastes like a delicious French dish with notes of orange

and feels like the softest Judas kiss

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Oooooooeeeooow Be ong!

If it walks like me

oooeeeeeeew arrruuummm cick click

I'm pretty sure; I'm almost certain– it must be a beeeeeep..

As PwP's the artwork/poems are a way for us to say to our Parkinson's Look - we are fighting you! And Today we win!

Meg (the train Winters) and Sue (Suzie Smashing B)



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