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VYALEV: An Infusion Based PD Treatment

Stephanie Soto

An infusion based Parkinson's treatment has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. This new medication, VYALEV, is shown to increase your ON times. 

It is thought to increase ON times via  a continuous pump, similar to insulin pumps for diabetes (see photo below). In recent studies, the steady flow of levodopa has been shown to reduce fluctuations in motor symptoms compared to oral medications. One study that examined its effects over a 12 week period showed about 3 additional hours of ON time. Participants in this study had advanced PD. The study compared infusion to immediate release oral levodopa. More research around comparing VYALEV to time released medications is needed. 

According to VYALEV's website:

VYALEV is meant for those who respond well to oral medications of levodopa, but have significant OFF times or do not have good control over their symptoms. 

The VYALEV Pump is available with a range of carrying cases to suit your lifestyle. Depending on your preference, you can wear the pump under or over your clothing.

Once the pump is attached and turned on, it will begin continuously delivering VYALEV to your body.

It can be temporarily disconnected for up to 1 hour for water-based activities, such as swimming or showering.

Common side effects include: 
  • Redness and swelling at the infusion site 

  • Hallucinations 

  • Dyskinesia 

There are still other processes that need to be completed by the government before VYALEV will be widely available and covered by insurance. It is estimated to be completed by the second half of 2025. There are a few other medications that are undergoing testing for approval from the FDA, some with a target date of February 1st 2025. In fact, the Michael J Fox Foundation is monitoring 151 treatments in clinical testing. Lots of exciting and promising treatments in our near future! 




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